Previous updates from Shutford Parish Council
2021 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting 08.09.21
Minutes of the Meeting 14.07.21
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 04.05.21
Minutes of the Meeting 04.05.21
Minutes of the meeting 10.03.21
Minutes of the meeting 13.01.21
2020 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the meeting 11.11.20
Minutes of the meeting 09.09.20
Minutes of the meeting 08.07.20
Minutes of the meeting 13.05.20
Minutes of the meeting 11.03.20
Minutes of the meeting 08.01.20
Minutes of the Meeting 08.09.21
Minutes of the Meeting 14.07.21
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 04.05.21
Minutes of the Meeting 04.05.21
Minutes of the meeting 10.03.21
Minutes of the meeting 13.01.21
2020 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the meeting 11.11.20
Minutes of the meeting 09.09.20
Minutes of the meeting 08.07.20
Minutes of the meeting 13.05.20
Minutes of the meeting 11.03.20
Minutes of the meeting 08.01.20