shutford parish council updates
Chair's Annual Report 2018/19
2019 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the PC meeting 13.11.19
draft minutes of the PC meeting 11.09.19
draft minutes of the PC meeting 10.07.19
minutes of the PC meeting 08.05.19
minutes of the PC Annual meeting 08.05.19
minutes 13.03.19
minutes 09.01.19
2019 Financial Updates
Accounts as at 31.03.19
Analysis of Variances vs. Prior year Year end 31.03.2019
Bank Reconciliation 31.03.2019
Notice of Public Rights 31.03.2019
Payments over £100 Year end 31.03.2019
Action Lists
2019 Audits
Annual Governance & Accountability Return - Year end 31.03.2019
2019 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the PC meeting 13.11.19
draft minutes of the PC meeting 11.09.19
draft minutes of the PC meeting 10.07.19
minutes of the PC meeting 08.05.19
minutes of the PC Annual meeting 08.05.19
minutes 13.03.19
minutes 09.01.19
2019 Financial Updates
Accounts as at 31.03.19
Analysis of Variances vs. Prior year Year end 31.03.2019
Bank Reconciliation 31.03.2019
Notice of Public Rights 31.03.2019
Payments over £100 Year end 31.03.2019
Action Lists
2019 Audits
Annual Governance & Accountability Return - Year end 31.03.2019