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Aims of our Midsummer Fete 2024
The main objective is to bring villagers of all ages together, in a lovely setting, to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.
Any profits from the monies raised through the various fete activities will be donated to St Martin’s Church and the bhyp – Because Young People Matter charity. So please do ‘save the date’ and come along for an enjoyable day while supporting two very good causes. The church is very old (800 years old in some parts) so any work to the building is expensive. Any money raised goes towards repairs and/or insurance. byhp is a Banbury-based charity (reg no. 1115514) that helps young people with education, homelessness, and mental health.
The evening event will be a social gathering with a chance to meet neighbours and new villagers. There will be a marquee, a fire-pit, no bands this year but we will have music, drinks (provided by Thirst and Thistle), a burger van (Happy Herefords) and Becky with the pizza van. Food and drink will also be available throughout the day.
Any profits from the monies raised through the various fete activities will be donated to St Martin’s Church and the bhyp – Because Young People Matter charity. So please do ‘save the date’ and come along for an enjoyable day while supporting two very good causes. The church is very old (800 years old in some parts) so any work to the building is expensive. Any money raised goes towards repairs and/or insurance. byhp is a Banbury-based charity (reg no. 1115514) that helps young people with education, homelessness, and mental health.
The evening event will be a social gathering with a chance to meet neighbours and new villagers. There will be a marquee, a fire-pit, no bands this year but we will have music, drinks (provided by Thirst and Thistle), a burger van (Happy Herefords) and Becky with the pizza van. Food and drink will also be available throughout the day.